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Dolnozemská cesta 1/b, 85235 Bratislava, Slovenská republika

Gallery Slider


Image Galleries

Yep, you can add simple image gallery slideshows to showcase your awesome pictures. Remember, a picture speaks a thousand words. Imagine how many words can be spoken in a gallery slider? Trillions.

[round_button]View Portfolio[/round_button]


[icon name=“info-circle“]  Core Features

[icon name=“angle-double-right“]  Choose from FlexSlider or NivoSlider

[icon name=“angle-double-right“]  PrettyPhoto Lightbox Support

[icon name=“angle-double-right“]  Enable/disable auto slideshow

[icon name=“angle-double-right“]  Define your own slideshow speed

[icon name=“angle-double-right“]  Define your own size

[icon name=“angle-double-right“]  Add as many or as less pictures as you want

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